Following the recent school shootings in DPS, the Task Force established a special subcommittee consisting of youth, educators, and experts. This subcommittee’s purpose is to develop recommendations for DPS that embody a community-centered approach to school safety, outlining how it should be prioritized. The recommendations presented in this report offer crucial perspectives on creating safe environments for black, brown, and other targeted youth in our schools without relying on armed officers.
The nationwide epidemic of school shootings, which originated in the greater metro Denver area, underscores the ineffectiveness of armed officers in preventing such tragedies and their limited capacity to respond adequately once an incident occurs. Moreover, research consistently demonstrates that School Resource Officers (SROs), like other law enforcement entities, disproportionately target Black and brown students while disregarding the most significant demographics of actual mass school shooters, thereby perpetuating the school-to-prison pipeline.
In this report, we present a comprehensive and transformative vision for the future. We offer recommendations based on the insights and expertise of various community organizations, incorporating research and best practices while uplifting the ideas and initiatives that are already making a positive impact in the lives of our youth.
Our foremost demand is for fundamental change that prioritizes the wellbeing of our youth and eliminates the need for increased policing. The objective of this report is to establish safe, equitable, and truly just learning environments for all young individuals. It is our firm belief that black and brown, immigrant, LGBTQIA+, and other targeted youth deserve schools that cultivate hope, facilitate healing, and break the cycle of racism, neglect, and abuse. To achieve this, we must shift away from overreliance on traditional approaches centered around “cops and cages”, and instead embrace community-driven solutions that foster healing and growth.
Thank you,
Dr. Robert Davis
Denver Task Force
Samantha Carwyn, Chief Editor
Carwyn Collaboration LLC